Tag Archives: jobhunting

New year and new opportunities await jobseekers. As candidates enter the workforce or continue the job search in 2021, here are some tips to help jobseekers’ level up and bag that job.


It’s time to upskill 

Upskilling refers to the process of individuals learning new or additional skills. In this competitive job market, stand out by embracing and acquiring new skills. There are a number of free online courses being offered by FacebookLinkedIn and Coursera. For example, take this time to learn how you can improve your communication, organizational or even leadership skills.  


Keep your video interviewing and tech skills sharp 

As companies continue to work remotely, some Human Resource Managers and Recruiters are conducting online interviews. Thus, job seekers need to be prepared for video interviews and conduct themselves the same way as if it were an in-person interview.  Furthermore, the interviewee (you) must dress appropriately, set up for the interview in a well lit sound proof room and be prepared. Being technological savvy is also an asset in 2021 as this skill can aid in attaining a job. For instance, more computer-based and smartphone devices are being utilized by companies to conduct business, so being competent is a must.  


Tailor your resume for each application 

Customize different applications for each employer. Also, mention your capabilities and successes in different areas or industries.  


Apply for jobs in industries that are still hiring despite the COVID-19 pandemic  

Technology and Telecommunications industries are still hiring. In spite of the COVID-19, both sectors have continuous growth as technical expertise, connectivity and videoconferencing are in demand at this time. Click to view job postings for an  IT Analyst  and aInformation Technology Administrator. An expanding industry may just be the place for you to work right now. Furthermore, remote work is the new normal so do not dismiss jobs that are not in an office. View vacancies for BookkeeperPayroll Officer and Administrative Assistant. Be open as the workplace is now anywhere once you have a laptop and internet connectivity.  


Stay up to date on trends in your industry  

It is important to learn as much as you can about the position or industry you plan to work in. So, stay informed of developments by following companies and professionals in your field on LinkedIn, Facebook and also check companies’ websites or blogs. Also, networking with industry professionals will also keep you in-the-know. 


Writing or updating your Curriculum Vitae (CV) or resume is a right of passage for any potential jobseeker. It is an important document that presents your education, skills.

Here are some resume writing tips that will make your resume stand out amongst fellow candidates.

Constructing the resume. Firstly, a cover letter should accompany your resume that introduces you to the intended recipient. In crafting your resume, it would be helpful to use a professional resume template. (See some below to reference.) This guide will get you started in terms of layout and presents your information in a logical order. This template can also be a resource when it comes to customizing your resume.

Tip: write a custom resume for each job application. Never send the same application to multiple companies.

Formatting. Ensure there are no unnecessary spaces in your CV. Spacing should be kept consistent throughout. Try keeping your CV to 2 pages. Check your formatting of your CV before submitting to the recruiter or potential employer. Ensure your font size is consistent throughout and number the pages.

What to put in the CV.

Work Experience- keep it recent and relevant. Your resume should be a high-level summary of your relevant professional accomplishments. List achievements, experiences, and positions that closely align with the jobs you’re applying for. Use strong action verbs and concrete nouns to demonstrate action and competency. Avoid copying and pasting your job description. Include your key duties and responsibilities.

Education. No need to list every paper and grade completed in graduate and post graduate. Employers need to see: Degree, institution and year completed or year started and expected completion date (include continuing or online education in this section). This shows your determination and motivation to continue acquiring skills needed for your career.

Show some personality. Include your interests in your resume to show some of the activities you do in your free time or organisations you are affiliated with.

References. It is important to approach the right people who are credible for your recommendations: former employers, managers, peers, customers, and clients. Recruiters and HR professionals contact your listed references as proof of your work experience and connections, so choose wisely.

Resume templates links







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