Tag Archives: HR Strategy

The changes in our work environments have forced business owners to increase HR’s impact within their companies. Here we discuss, HR’s role and how it will continue to evolve in 2021 and beyond. 


Work Life Balance  

If your place of work is your home, staff may find it difficult to separate the two. How to have worklife balance in the same space which is your home? This is the question on staffers and employers’ minds. HR and business owners must play a critical role in helping employees manage these uncharted waters Communication with staff is important to hear what issues staff are facing in this new work environment.  

CRS works with organizations and their HR teams to creatively engage their staff. When staff feel supported and listened to, this can propel the business to success. “CRS is able to help companies because we had to do it ourselves. We have learnt from the practical experiences within our own organization, thus we are able to assist our clients. 

CRS HR Advisory Services  

Companies need to have a clear understanding of their future goals. Once a company knows its next move, CRS can assist with meeting those human resources needsThings are changing  constantly and at some point, business owners may question if they need this resource or not. We can gage what processes, benchmarks or KPIs are needed to structure your resources accordingly. Basically, what resources do you need now but also for the future.”  

Measuring Staff Performance 

For an employee in an administrative position, this “new normal” can affect how they work and their role within the company. A manager provides new technologies but may not equip staff with the necessary trainingIt is not as simple as adding technologyOur HR advisory service can access how these changes as a result of the pandemic affect a persons performance, how you plan to measure their performance and what recommendations can be made for re-training staff.” 

 HR’s role in 2021 and beyond 

HR has to continually build relations with the staff and act as an advisor to staff and employers to resolve any issues Traditional employee interactions have forever changed where they may no longer host staff functionssports days or Christmas dinners. HR can partner with staff to reinvent the employee experience and make staff a part of the planning process.”  HR teams will measure results as staff engage in organized virtual interactive events and some outdoors excursions in small groups. This unforeseen situation has presented an opportunity for better camaraderie and teamwork but also a new found respect for HR.  

Chat with us to discuss what are your employee challenges and how we can help you. Schedule a call with Mariska Seereeram at mariska@crsrecruitment.co.tt 


Author: Johanna Thomas 

How 20 minutes with your staff can lead to creative solutions and increased engagement? 

Stay Interviews are informal one-on-one structured discussions between a supervisor and a team member. It’s designed to provide insight into what keeps employees working for an organization and what aspects need improvement.  It is a conversation meant to identify the factors that drive an employee’s individual retentionengagement and morale. 

This is good way to get employees to feel part of the decision making of the company, get creative solutions on how they think the company can look at their services , new technologies and tap into the talent apart outside of the strategic level. This virtual world is a great setting for millennials thrive. By engaging staff this way, employers show individual support, empathy and motivate employees to be continue pushing through the pandemic, because now they engaged. 


The Benefits of a Stay Interview  

  • The information from interviews can also help to redefine your human resource strategy going forward. 
  •  Stay Interviews show that you recognize and admire the commitment and contributions of valued employees and that you care about their job satisfaction.  Furthermore, the employer can learn from employees their definitive reasons for continuing to work for this organisation 
  • These interviews will provide knowledge on how to retain current and valued employeesManagers can engage their teams to work better and increase productivity while still motivating them. 
  • Stay Interviews can create a trusting employee-employer relationship.
  • COVID-19 pandemic has led companies to adopt a work from home approach to ensure the safety of workers. Additionally, staff interaction and activities are less frequent or non-existentStay Interviews allows employers to know how staff want to be engaged and that they want to contribute to planning and organizing of such initiatives. 

 Tip: For new hires, Stay Interviews should be held in the first three to six months. For confirmed employees, it should happen at least once a year  

The saying, “You don’t’ know what you have until its gone.”, are very wise words employers should heed. You don’t want to receive a resignation letter from one of your valued employees. Caribbean Resourcing Solutions (CRS) can assist you with this stay interview process 

As your external Human Resource Partner, we will assist you in learning the possible reasons for why your staff stay and why they may possibly leaveStay Interviews can build trust between employers and employeesMost importantly, the insight gained in these interviews causes changes to be made to support and motivate staff in their work environment which leads to the betterment of the organisation